Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Pay Day

Jack Bowve was a good American. He loved his country. Ever since he'd been five he'd wanted to follow in his father's, and his grandfather's, footsteps and join the Navy. He signed up immediately out of high school, got an excellent ASVAB score and signed up into the intelligence program. His first enlistment went amazing. Boot camp was a breeze, and so was A-school. C-school started challenging him, but he enjoyed every minute of it.

By the time he graduated C-school, he was a second class Petty Officer, and off to his first command in Virginia. Both his detailer and sponsor at the command had questioned if he really wanted to go there, especially because of the track record the command held with intelligence specialists. Two suicides in the past year and five mysterious deaths in the past seven years. He was determined though. Both his father and grandfather had been stationed in Virginia, and he was going to be too.


  1. This is the most I can get today, got plans with some whiskey and a lady. Don't forget to be clicking my ads, that's the whole point I'm doing this.

  2. Sirgoat, if I'm going to continue listening to these stories, I'm going to have to sit on your lap. ;) good start though bro. -fistpump- totes following you.

  3. Hey, nice blog you have. Keep the good stuff coming!

  4. Glad to have you guys on board. As a reminder to everyone else, leave me a comment when you first start following me so I know who to add.
